Reopening from the 24th until the 27th of May 2018 daily
in Uferstudios Studio at 20:30
In his latest choreography Clébio Oliveira explores the subconsciousness of transsexual people. What does it feel like to live in the wrong body and in the constant discomfort about your own sexuality? An unconscious map of the mind through the body is drawn in which instincts, desires, feelings, torments, fears and physical inadequacies seem to live in a labyrinth without exit. Or is there a way out of the inner conflicts that have arisen through the process of self-knowledge? In his solo performance, Clébio Oliveira explores the tension between newly acquired freedom, social restrictions and supposedly public provocation.
Concept, Choreography, Costumes: Clébio Oliveira
Music: Matresanch
Light: Asier Solana
Production: Roland Wolf
Pictures: Oliver Betke/Holger Diedrich
Kindly supported by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Senate Department for Cultural Affairs – Reopening Fund
With the friendly support of the district office Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Department of Art and Culture
World premiere at the Performing Arts Festival Berlin, June 2017
Foreign Body opening night on the 15th of June 2017 at Dock11 Berlin in the frame of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin. Additional shows will take place on the 16th, 17th and 18th June 2017.
All shows start at 19:00!
In his new creation, Clébio Oliveira explores the transsexual´s subconscious. How does it feel like within a wrong body and to live in the constant unease of one´s sexuality? An unconscious map of the spirit is drawn through the body, where instincts wishes, feelings, pains, fears and physical inadequacy seem to live in a labyrinth without any exit. Or is there yet a way out to circumvent the inner conflicts which have arisen from the process of self-recognition?
In his solo Clébio Oliveira is entering the tense atmosphere between re-won liberty, social limits and supposed provocation.
Infos about cast and crew and DOCK 11
Reservations can also be sent directly to
We are looking forward for your visit!
Foreign Body supported by:
Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur.
MARCH 1 – 4 – Herzliya (IL) – Jirí Kylián, Clébio Oliveira, Cassi Abranches
MARCH 6 – Yagur (IL) – Jirí Kylián, Clébio Oliveira, Cassi Abranches
MARCH 7 – Jerusalem (IL) – Jirí Kylián, Clébio Oliveira, Cassi Abranches
MARCH 10 + 11 – Theater Gütersloh (D) – Marco Goecke, Jomar Mesquita, Clébio Oliveira, Nacho Duato,
MARCH 17 + 18 – Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg (D) – Édouard Lock, Clébio Oliveira, Jomar Mesquita
MARCH 27 – Staatstheater Mainz (D) – Édouard Lock, Clébio Oliveira, Nacho Duato
MARCH 30 + 31 – Ales (F) – Édouard Lock, Nacho Duato
APRIL 11 – Staatstheater Hannover (D) – Édouard Lock, Clébio Oliveira, Nacho Duato
In April and May 2016 the Sao Paulo Companhia de Danca will show Clébios creation Céu cinzento (Gray Sky) in Switzerland and New York.
Tour dates in Switzerland
08.04. Winterthur
Theater Winterthur, 19:30
18:45 Einführung
09.04. Winterthur
Theater Winterthur, 19:30
18:45 Einführung
010.04. Winterthur
Theater Winterthur, 17:00
16:15 Einführung
13.04. Monthey
Théâtre du Crochetan, 20:00
15.04. La Tour-de-Trême
Salle CO2, 20:00
19.04. Morges
Théâtre de Beausobre Morges, 20:00
21.04. Biel / Bienne
Théâtre Palace, 20:15
23.04. Zürich
Theaterhaus Gessnerallee, 20:00
Tour dates in New York
From the 03rd of May until the 08th of May 2016
in The Joyce Theater
Tickets, times and Information
Clébios successful creation of 2014 XXX – ein Versteckspiel will have its reopening night on the 31st of March 2016 at 19:00 in DOCK 11 in Berlin.
Further shows are on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April 2016 in DOCK 11 at 19:00!
XXX – ein Versteckspiel (A game of hide and seek) takes a magnifying glass to the world of analphebetism. Many analphabets live anonymously – the people around them know nothing about their inability to read and write. Shame and desperation often lead them to create a complex web of lies, hiding and dark alliances. The creative energy used for these feats is both fascinating and results can be devastating for the parties concerned. Is it possible to find a physical expression for the experiences and behaviours of people who have created alternative means of orientation and communication in a world without letters? Clébio Oliveira creates an unsettling piece of dance, utilizing contemporary means. Ultimately we are faced with a work that translates the dynamic consisting of analphabetism in a society so deeply rooted in scriptures, politics that are mired by an overly ambitious educational system and the feelings of shame on an individual level.
For tickets and informations please click here
Opening night of TIEFSEE in Berlin
Clébios latest creation TIEFSEE will have its opening night on the 09th of October 2015 at 20:00 in DOCK 11 in Berlin.
The piece is dealing with the topic of emotional dependance and is a dance piece for five dancers! As a little surprise the choreographer himself will be on the stage!
Further shows are on the 10th and 11th of October and from the 16th until the 18th of October 2015 in DOCK 11 at 20:00
For tickets and informations please click here

Cinzento. Photo by Juliana Hilal
In November 2015 Sao Paulo Cia de Danca will show Clébios creation Céu cinzento (Gray Sky) during the Atelier Coreográfico at Teatro Sergio Cardoso in Sao Paulo.
For more information click here
The Giradanca Dance Company is touring in Brazil at the moment with the dance piece Proibido Elefantes, choreography by Clébio Oliveira. Follow the dates:
31.07.2015 – Curitiba (PR)
02.08.2015 – Florianópolis (SC)
05./06.08.2015 – Sao Paulo (SP)
04./05.09.2015 – Porto Velho ( RO)
09.09.2015 – Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
12.09.2015 – Paraty (RJ)
For more information click here